Gnrba Area
The GNRBA area covers approximately 933,000 square kilometres and incorporates 109 pastoral properties. Of these 109 pastoral properties, there is a mix of tenure ranging from pastoral leases, to mining leases, Unallocated Crown Land (UCL), Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) reserves and indigenous managed pastoral leases.
With the largest area of management of any Recognised Biosecurity Group in Western Australia, the GNRBA has created four sub-regions in which it operates, all of which have unique biosecurity management issues.

The Laverton/Sandstone/Leonora sub-region comprises pastoral leases that have been converted from sheep to cattle, leases owned by mining companies, DBCA owned ex pastoral leases, managed for conservation. Carbon projects are increasing on pastoral leases.
Feral camel impact is high particularly on the north and eastern pastoral interface. Feral horses have pockets of impact with the feral donkey population resident in some favoured areas. Pastoralists manage the numbers well until seasonal travelling camel arrive from the east or northeast.
The Wiluna region is comprised of cattle stations with some DBCA stations managed for conservation, indigenous reserve or pastoral lease alongside vacant crown lands.
Feral camel impact is very high in the north and east of this sub-region (including Lake Carnegie) and impacting at low-moderate levels in the western portion of this sub-region. Feral horses are impacting on all stations around Lake Carnegie. Feral donkeys are impacting in the north and east of this sub-region, particularly in the harder country. There is Hudson Pear and Coral Cactus in the Wiluna area with large infestations in some locations

The Nullarbor region is comprised of cattle stations and large sheep stations between the Trans Line and Eyre Highway. A unique ecosystem under threat from weeds such as Onion Weed Asphodelus fistulosus) and Bathurst Burr.
Feral camel impact is high on the fringes of pastoral land but managed well by pastoralists.
The Kalgoorlie area is comprised of pastoral leases that have been converted from sheep to cattle, leases owned by mining companies, DBCA owned ex pastoral leases, aboriginal owned pastoral leases, carbon projects on pastoral leases and vacant crown lands.
Large Feral Herbivore have an increasing impact in this area, which is being monitored by the GNRBA. Weeds and Cactus continue to increase if not managed.

DBCA manage a range of ex-pastoral leases, conservation reserves and nature reserves throughout this area, on top of UCL. DBCA conduct large feral animals (LFH) control activities, and work with GNRBA for a wild dog 1080 baiting program on DBCA lands.