Large feral herbivores (feral camels, horses and donkeys) are having a significant impact on pastoral production and the environment in the Goldfields Nullarbor. They compete directly with stock for food and water, spread weeds, contribute to soil erosion, damage pastoral infrastructure including fences and water points, and foul natural waters.

The GNRBA endorses LFH management programs in the area of highest LFH impact. Traditionally this has been within the Shire of Wiluna which has been a broad scale, coordinated program in partnership with Pastoralists, Wiluna Shire, Desert Support Services (DSS) and Tarlka Matuwa Piarku Aboriginal Corporation (TMPAC).

It is essential the GNRBA continues to source appropriate partnerships to ensure the ongoing development of aerial programs within the region. These programs are very expensive, require significant planning and strategic on ground operations. GNRBA has been instrumental in supporting pastoralists with exceptional circumstance funding to implement their own LFH management programs in times of large feral herbivore impact. 

Additionally, the GNRBA provides an ammunition subsidy to any pastoralists located along the desert interface that experience high level LFH impact.

For more information please contact GNRBA Executive Officer, Amanda Day by email:

Exceptional Circumstance Funding '24

In January 2024, it had been brought to GNRBA attention that stations were under impact of a sudden influx of camel from the Gibson and Great Victoria catchment areas. GNRBA acted as quickly as possible to assist pastoralists on fringe stations with an Exceptional Circumstances, one of payment to assist. GNRBA Committee of Management listened to and acted upon data, requests, explanation of increased numbers to effect this Exceptional Circumstances assistance.

GNRBA Committee of Management elected to offer 10 x fringe pastoral stations access to funding with acquittal June 30, 2024. These pastoralists to match funds and use the funding in accordance with the Best Practice LFH Management.

GNRBA Aerial LFH Shoot involvement and work is currently postponed until reliable partners programs can form a collaboration. GNRBA have engaged the CEO to work with and input stakeholders to co­ordinate a GNRBA, Central WA and National Camel/ LFH Plan.

GNRBA will collaborate with DSS, Birriliburu IPA, K Farmer Foundation with a financial injection into their planned LFH program in late 2024. Being part of an organised activity enables GNRBA to confer with its stakeholders and join in the results of a professionally organised LFH program. Managing feral camel in the desert fringes before they impact pastoral lands is imperative in the operational success of LFH suppression with limited impact on pastoral lands, communities, and rangeland.


Australasian Vertebrate Pest Conference


GNRBA held a presence at the Australasian Vertebrate Pest Conference in Sydney NSW at the end of July 2024. GNRBA CEO attended to draw attention to the wild camel impact on the Western Australian pastoral industry and adjacent desert fringes. Prior to this camel was not on the agenda of the conference. 

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