Projects ARCHIVE
A Summary of the biological control work undertaken in partnership between the Goldfields Nullarbor Rangelands Biosecurity Association (GNRBA) and Coolgardie Shire on the control of Cylindropuntia tunicata
GNRBA was successful in attracting funding to train 4 more Licensed Pest Management Technicians (LPMT’s) to operate in the GNRBA region and beyond.
This challenge set the Goldfields Nullarbor Rangelands Biosecurity Association (GNRBA) on a path to investigate ways to make wild dog trapping more effective and time efficient, therefore more cost effective.
GNRBA has been conducting a desktop study into potential biological options to help control the spread of the declared weed, Bathurst burr (Asteraceae: Xanthium spinosum L.). Bathurst Burr is a significant weed on the Nullarbor and in the Eastern Goldfields.
The Wild Dog Remote Sensing Trial was a joint initiative between the GNRBA and Rangelands NRM. The intent of this project was to map all the breakaways in the GNRBA region. It is understood that this breakaway country is an area frequented by wild dogs at particular times of the year.
This project assists GNRBA in their battle to reduce wild dog numbers in the GNRBA region, through funding for the group to continue working with pastoralists in the region with their baiting programmes.
This Royalties for Regions and GNRBA funded project aims to utilise innovative technologies (thermal imaging and NDVI) to identify locations of cacti, leading to a more targeted approach to eradication.

The following projects have been conducted by GNRBA.
- Addressing emerging weeds and pests in the Goldfields – Completed March 2015
- Mertondale/Menzies invasive cacti roundup – Completed March 2015
- Nullarbor Cactus Cleanup – Railroading the cactus – Completed September 2015
- Goldfields Herbicide trial – Completed October 2014
- Coralling the Cactus at Tarmoola – Completed June 2013
Information on request from GNBRA Executive Officer Amanda Day by email:

Numerous other projects have been applied for across various biosecurity issues faced in the Southern Rangelands.
Details of successful projects will be featured when available.